
Connect & use Quidli in your Discord server

The Quidli Discord Bot enables you to natively share tokens as incentives & rewards with the top contributing members in your Discord servers.

Getting started

If you don't already have a Quidli account, you can use Discord OAuth credentials to create your account. Then sign-in to the web app and hit the Add to Discord button on the sidebar.

If you do have an existing Quidli account, you can link your Discord in one of two ways:

  1. If the email address associated with your Quidli account is the same one you use for Discord, then simply follow the same instruction mentioned above.

  2. If the email address associated with your Quidli account is not the same one you use for Discord, then go to the web app, hit Profile, select Linked Accounts and hit Link Discord to open Discord's external verification flow.

Server admin controls

Once the Quidli Bot is installed, admins can adjust permissions such as which members and or roles can access specific functions (ex. /send).

Admins can access and edit specific Quidli permissions by heading to Server Settings > Apps > Integrations > Bots and Apps > Quidli > Manage.

Last updated