
Connect & use Quidli in your Telegram Group Chats

The Quidli Telegram Bot enables you to send & share tokens with other members directly in your Telegram Group Chats via @QuidliBot and our Telegram Mini App. Group Chat settings are best managed in the web app.

Note: Default tokens listed for Telegram are BTC, ETH, DOGE, and USDC. To add/remove tokens, you can manage each Telegram Group Chat separately from the Manage Group section in your web app dashboard.

Getting started

Sign in to the web app and hit Install to Telegram at the bottom of the side bar to connect Quidli to your Telegram account.

Once installed, open a Telegram chat with @QuidliBot, type /start to pull up the Mini App and hit the Add to a new group button. You'll be presented with a list of your Telegram Groups from which you can select a group to add Quidli to. Be sure to give @QuidliBot admin rights in order for it to properly function.

Note: Each user must hit /register in a Group Chat with Quidli installed in order to gain access to @QuidliBot, which is necessary to use the Quidli Mini App.

Send tokens to Group Chat members

Send via emoji

In a Group Chat, you can assign emojis as triggers to send tokens to another member when you add the emojis as reactions to their posts. Ex. assign 1 USDC to 👍 so that each time you react to a post with this emoji, the poster will receive 1 USDC.

To set up your personal emoji(s) in a Group Chat, type /quidli and hit Launch to get the Mini App menu. From this menu, you can hit Your emojis and then Add new emoji to customize the emoji, token, amount and add an optional message to be posted.

Set up as many emojis as you like using the emoji picker and then easily send group members tokens of appreciation, recognition and or acknowledgement for contributions (work, helpful suggestions, funny memes, etc.) by simply adding reactions to their posts in your Group Chat.

Create, offer and manage token bounties

You can also create and offer token bounties to incentivize Group Chat members to complete specific tasks for you directly in Telegram through the Quidli Mini App.

To manage bounties, you must in your Group Chat type /quidli to launch the Mini App and then hit Launch and Create your own bounty to start the bounty workflow. You can select from prebuilt workflows on X (Twitter) and GitHub, or set your own custom bounties depending on your token distribution needs.

How to access tokens received via Telegram

As mentioned above, Quidli on Telegram users must hit /join in each new Group Chat you use Quidli in. Users who have not hit /join , won't be able to access commands, any tokens you may have been sent, or participate in any bounties shared in the Group Chat.

For users who've already hit /register, you can then access tokens you may have received via Telegram (for withdrawal, to use in other Quidli integrations, etc.) by further linking your Telegram account to Quidli via web app as is demonstrated in Getting started.

Note that if you do not link your Telegram account to Quidli via web app, you can still continue to access and use Quidli to sent tokens to other users in your Telegram Group Chat(s).

Last updated